Low back pain, also commonly referred to as lumbago, is a common disorder that involves bones and muscles of the back. About 40% of people have low back pain at some point of their lives. Also abbreviated as LBP, low back pain can be classified according to duration.
Acute low back pain is pain that last for less than 6 weeks, sub-chronic back pain is pain lasting between 6 and 12 weeks and chronic back pain is pain lasting for over 12 weeks. Classification can also be done based on the cause of the condition and this can be – referred pain, mechanical or non-mechanical back pain.
Most low back pain is believed to be caused by mechanical issues, such as joint or muscle strain. Thus there is no identification or search for an underlying cause.
If after conservative treatment, the pain does not fade away, or the pain is experienced along with ‘red flags’ like fever, loss of weight and problems associated with movement and feeling, then further tests will be carried out to identify a serious underlying problem.
Treatment is through conservative methods though some cases might require other advanced treatments depending on the situation. Prior to the invention of cars, whiplash was known as railroad spine as the condition was mostly identified with the occurrence of a train collision.
The first case of whiplash to be documents as a result of an accident was in 1919. Since then, whiplash cases, have been on the rise and are mostly caused by rear-end vehicle collisions.
There are many different symptoms that are associated with the neck injury leading to the coinage of the term Whiplash associated disorders (WAD).
In common low back pain, the pain will be experienced after movement that involves, twisting, bending forward, or lifting. The symptom can start after the movement or in some cases; they are experienced the following day in the morning. The pain described ranges from tenderness of some areas to diffuse pain.
This pain might or might not worsen when the individual makes certain movements such as raising their legs, and certain sitting or standing positions.
Sometimes the individual might experience sciatica, which is pain that radiates down their legs.
Most people experience their first acute low back pain when they are between the age of 20 and 40 years old. This is the first reason why most people see a medical professional in adulthood.
In most case there are recurrent pain episodes and in more than 50% of the people, the following episodes are more painful than the first one.
There are other problems that might emanate from low back pain. People suffering from chronic low back pain might experience sleep problems such as disturbances during sleep, less sleep satisfaction, short sleep durations and a great amount of time required to fall asleep. Many people suffering from chronic LBP will also show anxiety or depression symptoms.
"He estado viniendo a Integrated desde 2008 y recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquier persona con cualquier tipo de dolor para darles una oportunidad a todos en la oficina, incluyendo el Dr's son muy amables y te harán sentir bienvenido y trabajar con usted para encontrar una solución que funcione para usted para obtener su dolor bajo control . A+++"
Low back pain cannot be classified as a specific disease because it is a complaint which can result from a wide range of underlying causes and will vary in seriousness level.
Most of the low back pains experienced by most patients will not have a clear underlying cause but are believed to result from non-serious skeletal or muscle problems such as strains or sprains.
Some of the conditions that might contribute to low back pain include obesity, gained weight during pregnancy, poor posture, poor physical condition, poor sleeping position, stress and smoking.There is a list that shows the possible cause of low back pain including less common conditions.
Some of the physical causes behind low back pain include spinal disc herniation, broken vertebrae, osteoarthritis, degeneration of discs located between the vertebrae, and in rare cases, a spine tumor or an infection.
Se sabe que las mujeres padecen lumbalgia asociada a enfermedades que afectan a su sistema reproductivo, como quistes ováricos, endometriosis, fibromas uterinos o cáncer de ovario. Alrededor del 50% de las mujeres embarazadas experimentan dolor lumbar como resultado del cambio de postura y la tensión de los músculos y ligamentos causada por el reposicionamiento del centro de gravedad dentro del cuerpo.
Hay cuatro categorías principales de dolor lumbar. Éstas son:
1. Infecciosa
2. Inflamación
3. Musculoesquelético
4. Malignidad
Low back pain is a general term and there are different types which are classified under this term. It is important to know the type a patient is experiencing for proper treatment and management.
The most common types of low back pain are:
1. Hernia discal lumbar
2. Espondilosis
3. Espondilolistesis
4. Fracturas por compresión
5. Síndrome facetario
6. Diagnóstico de la lumbalgia
La estructura de la espalda es compleja y los informes sobre el dolor se ven afectados y sometidos a factores sociales. Por estos motivos, el diagnóstico de la lumbalgia no es un proceso sencillo. La mayoría de los casos de lumbalgia están causados por problemas articulares y musculares, pero estas causas deben distinguirse de los tumores espinales, los problemas neurológicos, las infecciones y las fracturas de la columna vertebral, entre otros problemas. Es importante que se realice un diagnóstico adecuado para que se tomen las medidas de tratamiento apropiadas.
There are no effective methods developed for purposes of preventing low back pain. For patients with pain that lasted for a period exceeding 6 weeks, exercise is the best option in preventing recurrences. A medium firm mattress is effective in dealing with chronic pain as opposed to firm mattresses.
Little or no evidence is available about the effectiveness of blackbelts in preventing low back pain. It is important to note that shoe insoles will not assist in the prevention of this pain.
Whiplash can occur when a vehicle is at 15 miles per hour or less and happens when there is a sudden jolt caused by a rear-end collision. The more sudden the motion is the more damage is done. There are multiple whiplash incidents in vehicle accidents; therefore, people are advised to be careful while driving and protect themselves by using seat belts, air bags and car seats designed to protect drivers and passengers. In any incident, the injured individual should immediately see a doctor for assessment and possible treatment.
The management of low back pain relies greatly on which of the 3 main categories the pain belongs to. Is it referred pain, mechanical or non-mechanical? When the pain is acute and causes mild to moderate problems, the management goals are restoring normal functions, minimizing pain and returning the patient to work.
This condition will not cause any serious harm and will be resolve without much effort. For patients suffering from sub-chronic pain or chronic low back pain, the management is through multidisciplinary treatment methods.
" Le doy 5 estrellas a Integrated Pain Management, me acabo de mudar a Illinois desde Nueva York, en mi visita el personal es profesional y mi nueva doctora de manejo del dolor escuchó mi historia antes de prescribir los medicamentos apropiados, ella realmente cambió mi régimen de medicación haciendo que tome menos pastillas con mejor efectividad, animo a cualquier persona con dolor a largo plazo que busque una mejor calidad de vida al tratar con él a visitar Integrated Pain Management."
Existen otros métodos utilizados en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia como:
Gestión física Esto implica principalmente el ejercicio físico y la terapia.
Medicación En la mayoría de los casos, se puede utilizar medicación en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia, pero la mayoría es poco eficaz y su uso puede llevar a una menor satisfacción, ya que los beneficios pueden diferir de la realidad. La primera medicación recomendada es el paracetamol o acetaminofén, o los AINE, pero no la aspirina, y son suficientes para la mayoría de los pacientes. Hay otros medicamentos que se utilizan, pero en caso de que no sean eficaces, se prescriben opioides como la morfina, pero a corto plazo.
Cirugía La cirugía es una opción en los casos de hernia discal. La intervención quirúrgica se recomienda cuando el dolor está causado por un problema mecánico, especialmente uno que afecta a la columna vertebral.
Medicina alternativa se pueden utilizar varios métodos de tratamiento alternativos, como la quiropráctica y la manipulación de la columna vertebral, la acupuntura, la terapia conductual y la proloterapia, para controlar el dolor lumbar.
Para las personas que han experimentado dolor de espalda baja, es importante que busquen atención médica para que el problema se resuelva a través de programas de gestión médica de confianza y porque podría ser un signo de una condición médica grave.