What is Vertebral Augmentation?
Vertebral Augmentation is performed to stabilize a fractured vertebrae with the goal of reducing the patient’s pain as a result of the compression fracture. Vertebral augmentation is utilized to create a cavity within the fractured vertebral body. This is followed with the injection of bone cement for the treatment of painful vertebral fractures, especially ones caused by trauma or entailing a significant loss of height.
How does the procedure work?
The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis by Dr. Xia. The patient will lie on their stomach and given light sedation. Dr. Xia will numb the skin and underlying tissue with a local anesthetic. Using a high quality x-ray, a needle is passed carefully into the fractured vertebral body. Once the needle is in place, an instrument is used to create a cavity within the vertebral body and is subsequently removed. He will then slowly inject cement to the targeted area under constant X-ray guidance. Once the cavity is filled, the needle is removed and the procedure is complete. Some patients may have multiple compression fractures, which would be treated individually during the same treatment session.
What to expect?
Aft the procedure, the patient is recovered and allowed to carefully test their mobility. Most patients go home the same day and experience significant pain relief within the first 1-2 days following their procedure.