Tratamiento Integrado Del Dolor


Golfer’s elbow 

Golfer’s Elbow is the term used in referring to a condition affecting the inner part of the elbow where there is a connection between the forearm muscles and the bony bump located inside the elbow. This condition causes pain which may radiate to the forearm and the wrist.

El codo de golfista es similar al codo de tenista, pero ocurre en la parte interna del codo en lugar de la parte externa como en el codo de tenista.

Golfer’s Elbow

This condition is not only limited to golfers since tennis players and anyone who uses their wrist repeatedly or clenches their fingers is at a risk of developing this condition.

The anterior forearm has a number of muscles which are responsible for the flexion of hand digits, and the pronating and flexion of the wrist.

These muscles’ tendons come together in a common sheath originating from the humerus medial epicondyle at the elbow joint.

Esta parte puede inflamarse a causa de lesiones leves y por motivos obvios y esto es lo que provoca el dolor y la incapacidad para realizar actividades normales que impliquen el movimiento de la mano, la muñeca o el antebrazo.


Esta afección se caracteriza por los siguientes síntomas:

  • > Se experimenta sensibilidad y dolor en la parte interna del codo y, en algunos casos, el dolor se extiende por la parte interna del antebrazo hasta los testículos.

  • > El codo puede estar rígido y doler al cerrar el puño.

  • > Puede haber debilidad en la muñeca y la mano.

  • > La mayoría de las personas con codo de golfista sienten entumecimiento y hormigueo, y esta sensación a veces se irradia a los dedos, sobre todo a los dedos meñique y anular.

El dolor asociado con el codo de golfista aparecerá de forma gradual o repentina y puede empeorar cuando la persona está balanceando un palo de golf, lanzando o apretando una pelota, agitando las manos, girando el pomo de una puerta, levantando pesos, flexionando la muñeca o cogiendo algo con la palma de la mano hacia abajo.

It is important to see a doctor when over the counter pain killers, rest or ice do not alleviate the pain or get rid of the tenderness.

Any individual with an inflamed or hot elbow, a fever, cannot bend their elbow, have a deformed elbow or suspect a broken bone should immediately see a physician for diagnosis and treatment.


This condition has been given the name golfer’s elbow because the tendon is stressed when swinging a golf club especially when the grip used in a baseball style grip.

This condition is not only limited to golfing because a large number of patients have never played golf.

The condition, though less often, is also referred to as a pitcher’s elbow because the same tendons are stressed when someone is throwing something or pitching a baseball.

Other names might include little league elbow or climber’s elbow. This condition is common in people who take part in activities that involve intensive gripping such as climbers.

The pain that is experienced by golfer’s elbow patient is caused by the stressed tendon which is as a result of grip exerted by hand digits and the wrist torsion caused by the action and use of the muscle cluster located in the ulna’s condyle.

This condition occurs in the medial side of the elbow and this is what distinguishes it from tennis elbow which affects the lateral side.

The onset in this condition is gradual and the symptoms will persist per week before the patients seek medical attention.

Algunas de las actividades que pueden conducir al desarrollo del codo de golfista son, entre otras:

Incorrect griping and swinging of a golf club which takes toll on the tendon and muscles involved. Racket sports such as tennis may result in this condition especially when there is excessive topspin, or when the racket is too heavy or too small leading to injury.

Throwing or pitching sports such as baseball, archery, javelin, football can all cause golfer’s elbow especially when there are improper techniques used. Improperly lifting weights can result in the overloading of the tendons and muscles and this can lead to golfer’s elbow.

There are other activities that might increase chances of developing this condition such as raking, hammering, painting, using a computer, cooking, assembly-line work and wood chopping.

Afecta sobre todo a personas mayores de 35 años. A pesar de su nombre, el codo de golfista afecta a cualquiera que fuerce repetidamente los dedos y la muñeca al realizar cualquier actividad que no esté necesariamente relacionada con el golf.


There are steps that can be taken towards the prevention of this condition; these steps include the strengthening of the forearm muscles, stretching before any activity such as sports, fixing the arm when for a perfect swing during golf, lifting smartly to avoid excess force on the elbow.

It is important to take a rest and a break especially when pain is noticed. In addition to these measures, time off will be important in enhancing the healing process.


The diagnosis of golfers elbow is based on a physical exam and the medical history of the patient. The physician will apply pressure on the affected elbow and ask the patient to move the fingers wrist and elbow in an effort to evaluate the stiffness and the pain experienced.

In some cases, x-rays may be used with an aim to rule out other possible cause of the pain such as arthritis and bone fracture. It is rare that comprehensive imaging tests such are MRI are used.


Treatment of this condition can take different directions but the best and most common include resting until the pain disappears.

Ice application on the affected area can help in alleviating the pain. Over the counter pain killers are also effective in dealing with the pain associated with golfer’s elbow.

Most of the preventive measures will also be effective in dealing with the condition. When over the counter medications fail to manage the condition, physicians will recommend the used of cortisone injections to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain. When conservative treatment fails, surgery may be used.
