Tratamiento Integrado Del Dolor


Neuropatía diabética focal...

Also referred to as mononeuropathy, is a disorder that affects a single nerve, usually, thigh, foot or wrist. This condition is also known to affect the nerves located in the chest and in the back, and in some cases, the nerves that control the muscles of the eyes.

Diabetic focal neuropathy

Diabetic focal neuropathy is a far less common neuropathy when compared to peripheral or autonomic neuropathy.  Focal neuropathy may occur suddenly and is known to improve on its own over a period of 6 to 8 weeks.


Esta afección aparece de repente y afecta a los nervios de la cabeza, las piernas y el torso. La neuropatía diabética focal puede causar los siguientes síntomas

> Los pacientes han informado de la incapacidad de enfocar los ojos 

> Algunos informarán de visión doble 

> Hay casos de dolor detrás de un ojo afectado. Los pacientes han informado de problemas para mover el ojo. 

>Puede haber parálisis en un lado de la cara, lo que se conoce como parálisis de Bell. 

> Hay informes de dolor en la pelvis o en la parte baja de la espalda

> Dolor en la parte anterior del muslo 

> También se puede experimentar dolor en el costado, el estómago o el pecho 

> Puede haber dolor en la parte interna del pie o en la parte externa de la espinilla. 

> Se experimenta dolor abdominal y torácico, que en la mayoría de los casos se confunde con síntomas de apendicitis, cardiopatía o infarto de miocardio.

La neuropatía diabética focal es impredecible y dolorosa, y afecta sobre todo a pacientes diabéticos de edad avanzada. Esta afección no causa daños a largo plazo y, en la mayoría de los casos, mejora por sí sola en pocas semanas.

Factores de riesgo

There are high chances that some of these symptoms might be as a result of a serious condition which is why patients are advised to seek medical attention in case they start experiencing them.

Most people who have diabetes and peripheral neuropathy will be at a greater risk of developing diabetic focal neuropath from pressure points.

It is important to avoid pressure points through avoiding crossing one leg over the other’s knee and avoiding leading the elbow on hard surfaces.

Changes in lifestyle and avoiding pressure points will go a long way in ensuring that the risk factors are greatly reduced and that diabetic focal neuropathy is avoided.


The best way to treat any neuropathy associated with diabetes is to first ensure that this condition is under control.

Most treatment methods will focus on the management of the pain and other symptoms that may lower the patient’s quality of life.

Since diabetic focal neuropathy is self limiting and will go away on its own over time, there are no deep details in regards to the treatment of this condition.

As mentioned, the involved symptoms might be as a result of a more serious condition and this is why an individual experiencing them should see a medical practitioner immediately for diagnosis and management.

