Integrated Pain Management


How To Relieve Sciatica Pain in Bed: Sleeping Positions and Tips

Are you one of those people writhing in pain night after night due to Sciatica?

If so, buck up and look no further. This blog post will discuss relieving painful sciatica symptoms using the correct sleeping positing and sleep tips.

So stop being a wimp already; let’s find out the best solutions to remove that excruciating feeling!

Best positions for sleeping with Sciatica

releive sciatica pain

On your side

This is one of the best positions for people with Sciatica. Put a pillow between your legs and sleep on your side. This will help alleviate pressure on your lower back and reduce any discomfort in your hips or legs.

Place a pillow between your knees.

When sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your legs to help support your lower back and reduce any stress in the area. Make sure you keep the pillow flat so it doesn’t put too much pressure on one particular spot.

Fetal position

The fetal position is another great way to sleep positions with Sciatica. It involves bending your knees towards your chest and curling into a ball-like shape. This can help to reduce any pressure on your lower back and also provide relief from leg pain.

On your back with a pillow under your knees

When sleeping on your back, place a pillow under your knees and keep your feet elevated. This will help to take any pressure off of your lower back and can provide some relief from sciatica pain.

With a towel or pillow under your lower back

Suppose you’re struggling to find a comfortable position. In that case, you can place a towel or pillow under your lower back for extra support. This may reduce any tension in the area and relieve sciatica pain.

Sleep on the floor

Another way to relieve sciatica pain is to sleep on the floor. This can help reduce pressure on your lower back and provide a more level surface for sleeping. Just make sure you have a comfortable mattress or padding to cushion yourself from the floor’s hard surface.

Overall, there are plenty of ways to relieve sciatica pain while you’re in bed. Try different sleeping positions and see what works best for you. With the right support, you may find that your sciatica symptoms are reduced during sleep, allowing for better rest and relief from pain.

Best sleeping position for Sciatica in pregnancy

Best positions for sleeping with Sciatica

If you’re pregnant and suffering from sciatica pain, finding a comfortable sleeping position can be difficult. Fortunately, some options may help relieve your discomfort while you rest.

Side-lying is one of the best positions for Sciatica during pregnancy. It helps take pressure off your lower back while allowing for improved circulation. To keep your spine neutral, try lying on your side with your legs bent and a pillow between them for support. Lying on one side for too long can cause the joints to stiffen, so be sure to switch sides often.

Sleeping upright may also be beneficial if you’re having difficulty lying down. This position helps keep your spine neutral while reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve. To ensure you’re comfortable, use pillows to support your lower back, neck and legs.

No matter what sleeping position you choose, use a supportive mattress and pillow that help promote good spinal alignment and reduce stress on your lower back and hips. This will help ensure you’re as comfortable as possible. At the same time, you rest and help relieve sciatica pain in bed during pregnancy.

Avoid these sciatica pain sleeping positions.

When it comes to sciatica pain and sleeping, a few positions may worsen your symptoms. It’s best to avoid lying flat on your back, as this can increase pressure on the nerve and cause more discomfort. Additionally, sleeping in an upright position for too long can strain your neck and upper back muscles.

It’s also important to note that if your Sciatica is caused by a herniated disc, sleeping on the side of the affected nerve can lead to increased discomfort. In this case, sleeping on the opposite side or in an upright position is best.

Tips to relieve sciatic pain when sleeping

Regarding sciatica pain relief in bed, the following simple tips can help ensure you get a good night’s rest.

1. Make sure your mattress is supportive and not too soft or hard. Sleep on a firm mattress that helps promote spinal alignment and keep your body comfortable while resting.

2. Use a pillow designed to provide support and comfort for your lower back. You can place a pillow between your knees for additional support for side-lying positions.

3. Be sure to stretch and move around before going to bed. This will help relax the muscles of the lower back area and make lying down more comfortable.

What makes sciatic nerve pain worse in bed?

Sciatica can be exacerbated by certain activities and positions, such as those that increase pressure on the nerve, cause inflammation or irritate the area. Sleeping in an uncomfortable position or on a too-soft or hard mattress can also worsen sciatica pain while lying down. Additionally, certain movements, like twisting your body while getting out of bed, can worsen your sciatica symptoms. 

When to see a doctor

If you’re experiencing sciatica pain and looking for relief, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. Integrated Pain Management offers comprehensive treatment plans that are tailored to individual needs. Our team of specialized doctors can provide the best treatments available for Sciatica and other painful conditions.

At Integrated Pain Management, we believe in taking a holistic approach to treating chronic pain. We understand that everyone is different and create individualized treatment plans focusing on the patient’s health, lifestyle and goals.

Contact us today to discover how our team can help you manage your sciatica pain in bed.

FAQs About How To Relieve Sciatica Pain In Bed

What is the best sleep position for Sciatica?

The best sleep positions for Sciatica are lying on your side with a pillow between your knees, sleeping in the fetal position, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees, and sleeping with a towel or pillow under your lower back. Doing these can relieve sciatic nerve pain when you go to bed. However, if the pain persists or worsens, seeing a doctor as soon as possible is important.

How do you stop sciatic nerve pain at night?

To stop sciatic nerve pain at night, finding a sleeping position that helps provide relief is important. This can include lying on your side with a pillow between your knees, sleeping in the fetal position, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees, and sleeping with a towel or pillow under your lower back. Suppose the pain persists or becomes worse despite trying these positions. In that case, seeing a doctor as soon as possible is important for further treatment. Additionally, stretching exercises throughout the day may help reduce symptoms of Sciatica during sleep positions.

What is the fastest way to cure Sciatica?

The fastest way to cure Sciatica is through physical therapy and sciatica medically, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, or painkillers. It is also important to find a position that alleviates the pain when sleeping, such as lying on your side with a pillow between your knees, sleeping in the fetal position, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees or using a towel or pillow under your lower back. Additionally, stretching exercises throughout the day may help reduce symptoms of Sciatica during sleep positions. If symptoms persist despite these remedies, speaking with a doctor for further treatment advice is best.

What positions should I avoid with Sciatica?

The position that should be avoided when suffering from Sciatica is sleeping on your stomach, as this can stress the lower back and worsen the pain.


All in all, Sciatica can be a complex and difficult-to-manage condition. It’s important not to try and work through the pain, as it can worsen the situation. Careful management of your pain is key to feeling better. Whether you want to sleep comfortably on your side or back, use a firm mattress and pillow that keeps your spine aligned with your neck. Book an appointment with Integrated Pain Management for further advice on preventing Sciatica from reoccurring. Finally, remember, there are ways to relieve and manage sciatica pain while lying down – so don’t suffer in silence any longer!
