Integrated Pain Management


A Guide to Ulnar Neuropathy | Integrated Pain Management

Imagine losing all feeling in your hands, forearms, and fingers. After heading to your office job, you sit down at your desk and open your laptop for the day. But suddenly, the feelings in the upper extremities are limited and you experience a shooting pain radiating from your forearm to your pinky finger. After a few minutes, the pain disappears but it recurs throughout the day, making your job nearly impossible. 

Ulnar neuropathy

Ulnar nerve entrapment is commonly overlooked, but it is one of the most prominent nerve conditions that occur in the bodies of individuals with jobs that require constant movement of the hands or forearm. This includes construction, athletics, writing, and other similar occupations. If you are at risk and are interested in taking preventative measures, or if you have been experiencing pain relating to your ulnar nerve, this guide is for you. 

All About Ulnar Nerves

The ulnar nerve is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to the hand and forearm. When pressure is applied to this nerve, it can cause abnormal sensations including numbness or tingling in the pinky and ring fingers. In addition to the discomfort, ulnar nerve entrapment can make everyday activities feel impossible and many ulnar neuropathy patients must make lifestyle changes to ensure the condition does not worsen. 

When this nerve is damaged, many functions are disrupted. The most common and debilitating symptom of ulnar nerve entrapment is the loss of function in the hands and fingers which makes it difficult to lift, write, and feel different materials and objects. Individuals who have jobs that require lots of heavy lifting or elbow and wrist movement might have a higher chance of developing a condition like ulnar neuropathy due to the high stress applied to the ulnar nerve on a daily basis. 

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ulnar neuropathy, it is important to get ahead of your condition. By working with a specialist to ensure you are taking precautionary measures and living a nerve-conscious lifestyle, you can prevent the neuropathy from worsening or spreading to other areas of the body. Integrated Pain Management is a treatment facility that specializes in modern neuropathy treatments for patients seeking relief. Our wellness programs consist of effective treatments that approach the condition at the core to ensure all aspects of ulnar neuropathy are being cared for. 

Knowing What to Expect

Symptoms of ulnar nerve dysfunction come and go. Many patients experience exaggerated symptoms at night or when they are exerting lots of energy through physical activity. Although random, the symptoms associated with this condition can be very severe and cause debilitating symptoms. Sometimes, the sensations that arise from this condition can be alarming, so it is important to be familiar with how it could potentially affect your body. 

Common symptoms to look out for:

> Tingling and numbness sensations in the pinky and ring fingers

> Painful elbows

> Muscle loss in the hands

> Weakness

By educating yourself on ulnar nerve entrapment and being aware of the associated symptoms, you will not be as distressed when experiencing pain in the upper extremities, since after all, it is usually a temporary pain. Although the pain typically goes away with time, it is necessary to take preventative measures to ensure the ulnar nerve damage does not worsen and cause further health issues. 

Taking Responsibility for Your Health

While a diagnosis of neuropathy of any kind can be daunting, it is important to note that there are nonsurgical treatment methods available to stabilize your symptoms. The most common approach to nerve pain is through anti-inflammatory medications to diminish the discomfort and swelling caused by the entrapped ulnar nerve. For more long-term results, physical and occupational therapy are great options for patients who have intentions of repairing their overall nerve health.

These therapies allow patients to build muscle, improve flexibility, and relearn movements through controlled exercises. Many patients will utilize braces or splints to prevent the affected elbow or hand from moving too much as this might cause increased pain. 

Typically, these treatment options will be done supplementarily, and most patients will need to find a healthy mix of treatments that controls their symptoms while helping them make strides towards a healthier lifestyle. This is where Integrated Pain Management comes in, as it is often difficult to make these tough decisions yourself. Our team offers a variety of non-surgical treatment methods to patients as part of their wellness plan. 

Some options offered by Integrated Pain Management include:

> Prescription medicine

> Injection therapy

> Acupuncture treatment

> Nerve blocks

> Discogram

Depending on the location, the severity, and the symptoms of a patient’s condition, their treatment will differ. Integrated Pain Management understands that all patients are different and require unique attention. Therefore, our patient strategy includes a specialized wellness plan targeting the root cause of the patient’s condition. Rather than just treating the existing pain, our team is dedicated to treating the patient’s overarching health to ensure they are receiving the most effective treatment. 

Take the First Step

It’s time to be selfish. Take responsibility for your health and make the first step necessary for recovery. Integrated Pain Management is a patient-focused healthcare center with medical professionals experienced in treating neuropathy, including ulnar neuropathy. If you have received a diagnosis for ulnar nerve entrapment, we can help. Contact our team today. 
